Bus Tickets from Sakarya (Adapazarı) to Tekirdağ On Turna.com

Sakarya (Adapazarı) Tekirdağ Bus Ticket Information

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4 hour(s)

Sakarya (Adapazari) Tekirdağ Bus Tickets (One-Way)

See the cheapest prices for Sakarya (Adapazarı) Tekirdağ buses

Tekirdağ Arrival Bus Tickets

How much are Tekirdağ bus tickets, see schedules

Isparta Petrol
13 May 2024, Monday 09:00
Pamukkale Turizm
21 May 2024, Tuesday 11:00
Isparta Petrol
13 May 2024, Monday 01:45
Metro Turizm
22 May 2024, Wednesday 05:00
Has Turizm A.Ş.
13 May 2024, Monday 00:30

Bus Tickets From Sakarya (Adapazarı)

Prices of bus tickets from Sakarya (Adapazarı)

16 June 2024, Sunday 16:00
Isparta Petrol
02 June 2024, Sunday 01:15
Lüks Erova Turizm
01 June 2024, Saturday 05:30
Düzce Güven Seyahat
18 June 2024, Tuesday 12:45
Lüks Yalova Seyahat
17 June 2024, Monday 04:30
Isparta Petrol
13 June 2024, Thursday 01:45
Aybastı İtimat Turizm
21 May 2024, Tuesday 18:30
Buzlu Turizm
18 May 2024, Saturday 00:30
Sakarya İtimat
17 May 2024, Friday 08:00
Niğde Aydoğanlar
13 May 2024, Monday 03:14

Information on bus trips between Sakarya (Adapazarı) Tekirdağ

Sakarya (Adapazarı) Tekirdağ morning buses are 6% cheaper than evening bus trips. (Calculated based on the average of the lowest prices shown in TURNA.COM search results within 30 days from today.)

Sakarya (Adapazarı) intercity bus departure and exit points are: Taraklı, Söğütlü (Sakarya), Sapanca, Sakarya (Adapazarı), Pamukova, Mekece (Pamukova, Sakarya), Kuzuluk (Karasu, Sakarya), Kocaali, Kaynarca (Sakarya), Karasu, Karapürçek, Hendek, Hayrettin (Pamukova, Sakarya), Geyve, Ferizli, Alifuatpaşa (Geyve, Sakarya), Akyazı, Taytem Dinlenme Tesisleri (Hendek, Sakarya), Dokurcun (Akyazı, Sakarya), Ptt Adapazarı Dağıtım ve Toplama Merkezi (Adapazarı, Sakarya), Türkormanköy (Akyazı, Sakarya), Adapazarı Dörtyol (Sakarya) and Adapazarı Otogarı.

Tekirdağ The intercity bus arrival-landing terminals are: Popköy (Hayrabolu, Tekirdağ), Büyükyoncalı (Saray, Tekirdağ), Bulvar (Tekirdağ), Hayrabolu, İnecik (Tekirdağ), Yeniçiftlik (Tekirdağ), Vakıflar (Ergene, Tekirdağ), Tekirdağ, Şarköy, Sultanköy (Marmaraereğlisi, Tekirdağ), Saray (Tekirdağ), Mürefte (Şarköy, Tekirdağ), Muratlı, Marmaracık (Ergene, Tekirdağ), Malkara, Mahramlı (Tekirdağ), Kumbağ (Tekirdağ), Kozyörük (Malkara, Tekirdağ), Kapaklı, Yenice (Malkara, Tekirdağ), Altınova (Süleymanpaşa, Tekirdağ), Değirmenaltı (Süleymanpaşa, Tekirdağ), Malkara Işıklar, Ereğli Marmara, Misinli, Demirkaya and Hoşköy.

Transportation from the City Center to Sakarya Adapazarı Bus Station

Transportation alternatives from Sakarya Adapazarı city center to the bus station: Free passenger service of bus companies, municipal bus, minibus and taxi ride. Access to Sakarya Adapazarı Bus Station, which is a short distance from the city center, is very easy and economical.

Bus companies operating from Sakarya Bus Terminal have a free bus station service from the city center. The bus station is reached in a short time with the shuttles departing from the ticket sales office of the companies in Adapazarı center and from certain stops. Shuttle departure times are usually arranged according to the departure times of the buses. You can get detailed information about the bus station service by contacting the company where you bought the bus ticket.

You can reach Sakarya Adapazarı Bus Station from the districts of Sakarya and the city center by city bus. We can list the municipal bus lines going from the city center to the bus station as follows: 1 Sakarya Park - Küpçüler - North Terminal, 3 Democracy Square - Yeşiltepe - New Terminal, 7 Democracy Square - Yıldıztepe - New Terminal, 28 North Terminal - New Terminal, 29 Campus - New Terminal . You can buy Kart 54 from card sales and card processing points in the city center to pay on the city bus.

To get to the bus station from Sakarya University Central Campus, you can take the city bus number 29 or the minibuses that pass in front of the campus and go in the direction of the bus station.

You can reach Sakarya Bus Station quickly by minibuses that provide easy access to the city center and the bus station from many districts of Sakarya. Minibuses, which run more frequently than the municipal bus, go to the bus station by passing through central points such as Sakarya Park, Çark Caddesi and Sakarya University.

A taxi ride can also be preferred to get to Sakarya Adapazarı Bus Station from the city center in a more comfortable and shorter time. Taxi fare will not be very high, as there is not much distance between the city center and the bus station.

Transportation from Tekirdag Bus Station to the City Center

There are many transportation alternatives to reach the city center from Tekirdağ Bus Station, which is approximately 15 kilometers from the city center. You can easily reach Tekirdağ city center from the bus station within minutes, with the bus companies' free passenger service, private public bus, minibus and taxi options.

Some bus companies serving at Tekirdağ Bus Terminal have free shuttle services to the city center. You can reach the bus station on time with the shuttles that leave in front of the ticket sales points of the companies in the city center and serve until midnight. You can get information about the shuttle departure point and time by contacting the bus company from which you bought the bus ticket.

You can easily reach Tekirdağ city center from the bus station with private public buses that pass through many central stops such as Atatürk Boulevard and İbrahim Paşa Street. Private public buses provide service at regular intervals between 06.30 - 23.00. To get on the private public bus, you can buy Tekkart from the Tekirdağ Tekkart sales point located at the bus station.

To get to Tekirdağ Namık Kemal University from the bus station, you can take private public buses and minibuses going to the university direction.

The transportation alternative used extensively in urban transportation in Tekirdağ is minibus travel. You can reach the city center quickly and economically from Tekirdağ Bus Terminal, by minibuses that facilitate transportation to many districts of Tekirdağ such as Çorlu, Çerkezköy and Marmaraereğlisi.

If you want to go from Tekirdağ Bus Station to the city center without using public transportation, you can consider the option of transportation by taxi. You can reach the point you want to go in the city center quickly and comfortably by taking a taxi from the taxi stand located at the bus station.

Sakarya (Adapazarı) Tekirdağ bus ticket questions

  • How long does it take between Sakarya (Adapazarı) Tekirdağ by bus?
    The shortest bus journey takes 4 hour .
  • Which are the most popular bus companies that operate between Sakarya (Adapazarı) Tekirdağ?
    11 bus companies operate between Sakarya (Adapazarı) and Tekirdağ. Most frequent bus companies are, İstanbul Seyahat Havalimanı, Buzlu Turizm, Kale Seyahat, Metro Turizm and Pamukkale Turizm.
  • When is the cheapest day of the week to travel from Sakarya (Adapazarı) to Tekirdağ by bus?
    One of the tricks to find cheap rates when traveling by bus is to know which day of the week you can travel cheaper. Tuesday is the cheapest day on bus tickets, while Wednesday is the most expensive day.
  • How can TURNA.COM find such cheap bus ticket prices?
    In Turna.com, inventory of 200+ bus companies are scanned in seconds online. All options are compared to find the best priced bus tickets. We enable you to find empty bus seats in seconds. The buses are chosen among the buses that comply with hygiene and cleanliness rules.
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