Bus Tickets from Bursa to Gemlik On Turna.com

Bursa Gemlik Bus Ticket Information

Cheapest Price
80.00 TL
Cheapest Month
Most Popular Bus Company
Shortest Bus Trip Duration
15 min

Bursa Gemlik Bus Tickets (One-Way)

See the cheapest prices for Bursa Gemlik buses

As Adana Seyahat
Bursa - Gemlik
15 May 2024, Wednesday 11:00

Gemlik Arrival Bus Tickets

How much are Gemlik bus tickets, see schedules

As Adana Seyahat
10 May 2024, Friday 11:00
Lüks Yalova Seyahat
12 June 2024, Wednesday 05:00

Bus Tickets From Bursa

Prices of bus tickets from Bursa

Süha Turizm
08 May 2024, Wednesday 22:00
Nevşehir Seyahat
08 May 2024, Wednesday 06:00
Mersin Nur Turizm
09 May 2024, Thursday 06:59
Hatay Nur Seyahat
08 May 2024, Wednesday 05:30
Halı Kent Turizm
15 May 2024, Wednesday 01:30
As Adana Seyahat
13 May 2024, Monday 10:00
Villa Seyahat
08 May 2024, Wednesday 12:00
28 July 2024, Sunday 08:00
Kütahyalılar Turizm
15 June 2024, Saturday 03:30
As Adana Seyahat
08 May 2024, Wednesday 11:00
Kütahyalılar Turizm
02 June 2024, Sunday 12:30
Has Diyarbakır Seyahat
12 May 2024, Sunday 13:00

Information on bus trips between Bursa Gemlik

In the next 3 month period, cheapest one way Bursa Gemlik bus tickets are: 80 TL.

To find Bursa Gemlik bus tickets below average, you must book at least 2 days before the departure date.

Bursa Gemlik morning buses are 13% cheaper than evening bus trips. (Calculated based on the average of the lowest prices shown in TURNA.COM search results within 30 days from today.)

Bursa intercity bus departure and exit points are: Boyalıca (İznik, Bursa), Yıldırım, Yenişehir (Bursa), Osmangazi, Orhangazi, Orhaneli, Nilüfer, Mustafakemalpaşa, Mudanya, Küçükbalıklı (Osmangazi, Bursa), Yürücekler (Orhaneli, Bursa), Keles, Karacabey, İznik, Harmancık, Gürsu, Emek (Osmangazi, Bursa), Büyükorhan, Bursa, Kestel, Yenikaraağaç (Karacabey, Bursa), Karacabey Uluabat Yolayrımı (Karacabey, Bursa), Kaynarca (İznik, Bursa), Gölbaşı (Kestel, Bursa), Millet Mahallesi (Yıldırım, Bursa), Eski Fakülte (Yıldırım, Bursa), Geçit (Osmangazi, Bursa), Duaçınarı (Yıldırım, Bursa) and Vatan (Yıldırım, Bursa).

Gemlik The intercity bus arrival-landing terminals are: Kumla (Gemlik, Bursa) and Gemlik.

Transportation from the City Center to Bursa Bus Station

To get to the bus station from Bursa city center, you can choose the bus station service, municipal bus, minibus and taxi options that best suit your budget and time. You can easily reach Bursa International and Intercity Bus Terminal, which is 10 kilometers away from the city center, in 20-30 minutes.

To travel by bus from Bursa to many points in Turkey and some countries abroad, you must first go to Bursa International and Intercity Bus Terminal. Many companies that organize bus services from the bus station have free shuttles from the city center to the bus station. The shuttles of the bus companies are exclusive to their ticketed passengers who will travel on the same day.

You can reach Bursa International and Intercity Bus Terminal from the city center and the surrounding districts with the 24-hour municipal buses every day of the week. Lines from Bursa city center to the bus terminal: F/1 Terminal - Mudanya Ferry Terminal, 17/C Terminal - 3rd Street, A27 Terminal - Alaşarköy, 38/B Beşevler - Terminal, 38/H City Square -Terminal, 91 Yeni Mahalle - Terminal, 93 Uludağ University - Terminal, 94 Yıldırım Beyazıt Caddesi - Terminal, 95 Pazaryeri - Terminal, 96 Acemler - Terminal, 97 Emek - Terminal, 98 Siteler - Terminal, 99 Siteler - Terminal. In order to get on the municipal buses, it is necessary to buy a Bursa Card or a disposable bus ticket.

Another transportation alternative from the city center to Bursa International and Intercity Bus Terminal is minibus. You can reach the bus station in a short time with the minibuses that work until 00.00 every day.

For a short and comfortable journey from the center to Bursa International and Intercity Bus Terminal, you can choose a taxi ride.

Transportation from Gemlik Bus Station to the City Center

Due to its location, it is very easy to reach Gemlik town center and Bursa city center from Gemlik Bus Station. You can easily reach the point you want to go from Gemlik Bus Station to the district and city centers by choosing any of the municipal bus, minibus and taxi options.

You can easily reach central points such as Kayhan Mahallesi, Cumhuriyet Mahallesi, İstiklal Caddesi, Bursa city center and its districts in Gemlik Center from Gemlik Bus Station by municipal buses. You can easily go to the central points of Gemlik with the buses numbered 113, 116 and 118 departing in front of the Gemlik Bus Terminal. You can reach Bursa Intercity Bus Terminal from Gemlik Bus Terminal with buses numbered 17 and 101. You can easily travel to many districts of Bursa, Mudanya and Yalova by buses departing from the city center. You can buy Bursa Card from card sales points to use the municipal buses.

Another way to reach the city center from Gemlik Bus Station by public transport is minibuses. You can reach Gemlik district center and Bursa city center in a short time and economically by taking the minibuses that depart from Gemlik Bus Station at frequent intervals.

If you do not prefer to go to the district center from Gemlik Bus Station by public transport, you can comfortably reach the point you want to go to by taxis that serve 24/7. Since Gemlik Bus Terminal is located at a short distance from the city center, the journey by taxi will not be very costly.

Bursa Gemlik bus ticket questions

  • How long does it take between Bursa Gemlik by bus?
    The shortest bus journey takes 15 minutes.
  • Which are the most popular bus companies that operate between Bursa Gemlik?
    21 bus companies operate between Bursa and Gemlik. Most frequent bus companies are, Isparta Petrol, Bafra Seyahat, As Adana Seyahat, Aydoğan Turizm and Sivas Huzur Turizm.
  • When is the cheapest day of the week to travel from Bursa to Gemlik by bus?
    One of the tricks to find cheap rates when traveling by bus is to know which day of the week you can travel cheaper. Friday is the cheapest day on bus tickets, while Thursday is the most expensive day.
  • How can TURNA.COM find such cheap bus ticket prices?
    In Turna.com, inventory of 200+ bus companies are scanned in seconds online. All options are compared to find the best priced bus tickets. We enable you to find empty bus seats in seconds. The buses are chosen among the buses that comply with hygiene and cleanliness rules.
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