Bus Tickets from Tekirdağ to Larissa (Yunanistan) On Turna.com

Tekirdağ Larissa (Yunanistan) Bus Ticket Information

Cheapest Price
1,630.00 TL
Cheapest Month
Most Popular Bus Company
Shortest Bus Trip Duration
9 hour(s)

Tekirdağ Larissa (Yunanistan) Bus Tickets (One-Way)

See the cheapest prices for Tekirdağ Larissa (Yunanistan) buses

Vip Arda Tur
Tekirdağ - Larissa (yunanistan)
10 June 2024, Monday 14:00
Vip Arda Tur
Tekirdağ - Larissa (yunanistan)
11 June 2024, Tuesday 14:00

Larissa (Yunanistan) Arrival Bus Tickets

How much are Larissa (Yunanistan) bus tickets, see schedules

Vip Arda Tur
10 June 2024, Monday 14:00
Vip Arda Tur
05 May 2024, Sunday 12:00

Bus Tickets From Tekirdağ

Prices of bus tickets from Tekirdağ

Isparta Petrol
18 May 2024, Saturday 14:00
Isparta Petrol
14 June 2024, Friday 14:00
Balıkesir Hakser Turizm
01 June 2024, Saturday 05:00
Balıkesir Hakser Turizm
01 June 2024, Saturday 05:00
Bafra Seyahat
26 June 2024, Wednesday 18:00
Buzlu Turizm
31 May 2024, Friday 13:00
Şarköy Seyahat
12 May 2024, Sunday 16:00
İstanbul Seyahat
18 May 2024, Saturday 08:30

Information on bus trips between Tekirdağ Larissa (Yunanistan)

In the next 3 month period, cheapest one way Tekirdağ Larissa (Yunanistan) bus tickets are: 1,630 TL.

To find Tekirdağ Larissa (Yunanistan) bus tickets below average, you must book at least 36 days before the departure date.

Tekirdağ intercity bus departure and exit points are: Popköy (Hayrabolu, Tekirdağ), Büyükyoncalı (Saray, Tekirdağ), Bulvar (Tekirdağ), Hayrabolu, İnecik (Tekirdağ), Yeniçiftlik (Tekirdağ), Vakıflar (Ergene, Tekirdağ), Tekirdağ, Şarköy, Sultanköy (Marmaraereğlisi, Tekirdağ), Saray (Tekirdağ), Mürefte (Şarköy, Tekirdağ), Muratlı, Marmaracık (Ergene, Tekirdağ), Malkara, Mahramlı (Tekirdağ), Kumbağ (Tekirdağ), Kozyörük (Malkara, Tekirdağ), Kapaklı, Yenice (Malkara, Tekirdağ), Altınova (Süleymanpaşa, Tekirdağ), Değirmenaltı (Süleymanpaşa, Tekirdağ), Malkara Işıklar, Ereğli Marmara, Misinli, Demirkaya and Hoşköy.

Larissa (Yunanistan) The intercity bus arrival-landing terminals are: Larissa.

Transportation from the City Center to Tekirdağ Bus Station

There are many options for transportation from Tekirdağ city center to the bus station. You can reach the city center in a short time from Tekirdağ Bus Terminal by choosing the most suitable option from the bus companies' free bus station service, private public bus, minibus and taxi options.

You can provide free transportation from the center to Tekirdağ Bus Terminal with the passenger shuttles of the bus companies operating in Tekirdağ. You can contact the bus company from which you bought the bus ticket to get information about the shuttle services (departure time and point).

It is possible to reach the bus station easily from almost every region of Tekirdağ with private public buses that provide transportation to many points of Tekirdağ. You can easily reach Tekirdağ Bus Terminal with private public buses numbered 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14 and 15 passing through all the stops in the city center. You can buy Tekkart from card sales points in the city center to get on the public buses that operate at regular intervals between 06.30 - 23.30 every day of the week.

You can reach Tekirdağ Bus Terminal in a short time by taking private public buses and minibuses going from the stops around Tekirdağ Namık Kemal University to the bus station.

You can easily reach Tekirdağ Bus Terminal from many districts of Tekirdağ such as Çorlu, Marmaraereğlisi, Çerkezköy, directly or by connecting minibus. You can get to Tekirdag Bus Station economically and quickly with the minibuses that go to the bus station, passing through the stops in the city center.

You can reach the bus station with a fast and comfortable journey by calling a taxi from the taxi stands in Tekirdağ Center to your location. You can find the address and phone number information of Tekirdağ Merkez taxi stops on the web.

Transportation from Larissa Bus Terminal to the City Center

There are bus services from Turkey to Larissa, the 4th largest city in Greece. The city center, which is approximately 650 meters from Larissa Bus Terminal, can be easily reached on foot, by bus and taxi.

It is possible to reach Larissa city center from the bus terminal within a 10-minute walk.

You can easily reach the Post Office Square, Main Square, Old Town and many other points of the city by taking the buses going to the city center from the Larissa bus stop located near the terminal. You can buy a standard ticket to board the bus or pay in cash on the bus.

You can reach any point in the city center quickly and comfortably by taking a taxi from the taxi stand that provides 24/7 service at Larissa Bus Terminal. Since the distance between the bus station and Larissa city center is short, taxi travel on this route will be inexpensive.

Larissa Airport, which is approximately 11 kilometers from Larissa Bus Terminal, was closed to the transportation of civilian passengers in 1997. The closest airport to the city is Thessaloniki International Airport. To get to Thessaloniki International Airport from Larissa Bus Terminal, you can take the Thessaloniki buses from the terminal and reach Thessaloniki International Airport by transferring to the airport bus from there. The journey time is approximately 2-2.5 hours. Another alternative for transportation from Larissa Bus Terminal to Thessaloniki International Airport is car rental.

Tekirdağ Larissa (Yunanistan) bus ticket questions

  • How long does it take between Tekirdağ Larissa (Yunanistan) by bus?
    The shortest bus journey takes 9 hour .
  • Which are the most popular bus companies that operate between Tekirdağ Larissa (Yunanistan)?
    1 bus companies operate between Tekirdağ and Larissa (Yunanistan). Most frequent bus companies are, Vip Arda Tur.
  • When is the cheapest day of the week to travel from Tekirdağ to Larissa (Yunanistan) by bus?
    One of the tricks to find cheap rates when traveling by bus is to know which day of the week you can travel cheaper. Monday is the cheapest day on bus tickets, while Tuesday is the most expensive day.
  • How can TURNA.COM find such cheap bus ticket prices?
    In Turna.com, inventory of 200+ bus companies are scanned in seconds online. All options are compared to find the best priced bus tickets. We enable you to find empty bus seats in seconds. The buses are chosen among the buses that comply with hygiene and cleanliness rules.
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