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Larissa (Yunanistan) Bus Ticket Information

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Bus Trips Arriving To Larissa (Yunanistan)

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Vip Arda Tur
10 June 2024, Monday 14:00

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Vip Arda Tur
30 June 2024, Sunday 12:00

Information on Bus Travel to Larissa (Yunanistan)

Looking for cheap Larissa (Yunanistan) bus tickets ? Tekirdağ Larissa (Yunanistan) 1,630 TL and İstanbul Avrupa Larissa (Yunanistan) 1,680 TL over the next 3 month.

Larissa (Yunanistan) intercity bus stops and boarding points are: Larissa

Larissa, the main city of the Thessaly region of Greece, is known as one of the university and youth cities of Greece, although it does not stand out as a popular tourism destination as other Greek cities.

The city, which was called Yenişehir during the Ottoman rule in the region, has great potential in terms of both commercial and tourism, as it is located on the main transportation route between the two most important cities of Greece (Athens-Thessaloniki). While the city becomes more active and fun thanks to the students, this situation also revitalizes its economy.

Larissa Attractions

Larissa, one of the lesser-known cities of Greece, has many places worth seeing. One of the most visited points by the tourists who step into the city is the Diachronic Museum. In the Diachronic Museum, which brings together those who are interested in history, the finds obtained from the archaeological excavations carried out around the city are exhibited. You can visit the Diachronic Museum, one of the city's favorites, and go on a journey into history.

The creator of medicine, Hippocrates, spent the last ten years of his life in ancient Larissa, and a small monument stands where his tomb was rediscovered in the 19th century. We strongly recommend that you take a short part of your time to see the monument.

 The imposing three-storey mansion of Georgios Mavros (Schwartz) is among the places worth seeing. The building, the foundations of which were laid in 1787 and completed in 1798, lasted eight years, as well as three years of painting and decoration work. A mix of local and Baroque styles influenced by Morocco and Asia Minor, Georgios Mavros is a favorite among tourists.

Hasan Baba Lodge, which includes a mosque with a minaret, a hostel and a kitchen, is located in the Tempi Valley, 20 km from Larissa. The structure established on a plain; It consists of a domed tomb measuring 5.90 meters by 5.80 meters, covered with a dome, and an adjacent rectangular lodge building. It is only one of the works that have not managed to come to the present in its old flamboyant form. It is in a worn condition as it is not well maintained. It is known as the headquarters of a dervish sect led by Hasan Baba, who is revered as a holy and healer.

Orias Castle is located in Ambelakia Village. Oria Castle is one of those that has survived to this day as a ruined castle built on almost vertical rocks at a height of 270 m from the narrowest point of the Tempi Valley. The watchtower in Orias Castle, which offers a unique panoramic view with its hilltop location, is strategically important because nothing can escape your attention from here.

In addition, the acropolis and the ancient theater on the hill of Agios Achillios are among the places to visit in Larissa.

Larissa also stands out with its beaches. There are more than 20 beaches and coves in the shadow of Maurovounio, Kissavos and Olympus on a coastline of approximately 50 kilometers. Most of the beaches are arranged with tourist facilities. After visiting the historical and touristic places of the city, you can go to the beaches in Larissa and enjoy the deep sand and sun.

Because Larissa is calmer than other Greek cities; You can easily swim in the beaches and enjoy the day. In and around Larissa, there are many other places that we cannot count but worth visiting.

How to get to Larissa?

It is possible to reach Larissa from Turkey by road, rail and air. Those who want to go to Larissa must obtain a Schengen visa. Visa applications and procedures are made from the Greek Consulate. Among the transportation options, the most economical transportation method to Larissa is to buy a Larissa bus ticket. You can reach Larissa Intercity Bus Terminal from the city center by using public transportation vehicles and also by taxi.

Standing out as the student city of Greece, Larissa is an energetic and lively city throughout the year. You can browse Larissa bus ticket options on to discover this beautiful city, which is one of the important cities of Greece with its natural beauties and cultural values.

Larissa (Yunanistan) bus ticket questions

  • Which bus companies operates from and to Larissa (Yunanistan)?
    Bus companies that run the most frequent trips between Turkey and Larissa (Yunanistan) are Vip Arda Tur. The most popular route is Tekirdağ - Larissa (Yunanistan), Vip Arda Tur are the bus companies that organize the most trips on this line.
  • How much is the cheapest Larissa (Yunanistan) bus ticket price?
    Between Turkey and Larissa (Yunanistan), the lowest priced bus ticket in the next 3 month period is Tekirdağ Larissa (Yunanistan) on 10 June 2024 and 1,630 TL.
  • How can find Larissa (Yunanistan) bus tickets with such cheap prices? scans the inventory of all bus companies in seconds with its advanced search engine technology and offers you all online bus tickets alternatives within seconds.
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