Bus Tickets from Kırklareli to Shumen (Şumnu) On Turna.com

Kırklareli Shumen (Şumnu) Bus Ticket Information

Cheapest Price
1,000.00 TL
Cheapest Month
Most Popular Bus Company

Kirklareli Shumen (Şumnu) Bus Tickets (One-Way)

See the cheapest prices for Kırklareli Shumen (Şumnu) buses

İstanbul Seyahat
Kırklareli - Shumen (şumnu)
14 May 2024, Tuesday 22:30

Shumen (Şumnu) Arrival Bus Tickets

How much are Shumen (Şumnu) bus tickets, see schedules

01 June 2024, Saturday 13:30
İstanbul Seyahat
14 May 2024, Tuesday 22:30
16 May 2024, Thursday 17:30

Bus Tickets From Kırklareli

Prices of bus tickets from Kırklareli

Isparta Petrol
11 May 2024, Saturday 19:30
Balıkesir Uludağ
16 May 2024, Thursday 08:30
Balıkesir Uludağ
31 May 2024, Friday 08:30
Fatih Turizm
10 May 2024, Friday 07:00
Vip Arda Tur
11 May 2024, Saturday 01:00
Balıkesir Uludağ
31 May 2024, Friday 16:45
Kale Seyahat
23 May 2024, Thursday 21:30

Information on bus trips between Kırklareli Shumen (Şumnu)

In the next 3 month period, cheapest one way Kırklareli Shumen (Şumnu) bus tickets are: 1,000 TL.

To find Kırklareli Shumen (Şumnu) bus tickets below average, you must book at least 11 days before the departure date.

Kırklareli intercity bus departure and exit points are: Vize, Sinanlı (Babaeski, Kırklareli), Pınarhisar, Pehlivanköy, Kuleli (Babaeski, Kırklareli), Kofçaz, Kocahıdır (Kırklareli), Kırklareli, Demirköy, Babaeski, Alpullu (Babaeski, Kırklareli), İnece (Kırklareli), İğneada (Demirköy, Kırklareli), Yeniköy (Babaeski, Kırklareli), Akardere Yolayrımı (Kırklareli) and Ürünlü (Kırklareli).

Shumen (Şumnu) The intercity bus arrival-landing terminals are: Shumen.

Transportation from the City Center to Kırklareli Bus Station

If it is time to return after visiting Kırklareli and you are looking for transportation alternatives to go to Kırklareli Bus Station, you are at the right address. You can reach Kırklareli Bus Station, located in the city center, with a short walk. If you are a little further from the bus station and do not want to walk to the bus station, you can also consider the bus companies' free bus station service, private public bus, minibus and taxi options.

Most of the bus companies operating in Kırklareli Bus Terminal offer free passenger shuttle services in front of ticket sales offices in the city center. It is very advantageous to reach the bus station by shuttles departing at intervals of 30 minutes or according to bus departure times. In order to benefit from this free service, you can contact the company from which you bought the bus ticket and ask if they have shuttle services.

You can reach Kırklareli Bus Station, located on Mustafa Kemal Boulevard, in a short time by private public buses that pass through the stops in the city center such as Rauf Denktaş Boulevard, Eriklice Street, Balkan Street, Istiklal Street and Cumhuriyet Street. You can buy 39 Cards from card sales points in the city center to get on the private public buses.

You can easily reach the bus station from Kırklareli Center and Kırklareli districts such as Lüleburgaz, Babaeski, Kofçaz, Vize, Pınarhisar by minibuses directly or by transferring from the center.

To reach the bus station from Kırklareli University, you can take private public buses and minibuses departing from the campus and going in the direction of the bus station.

You can reach the bus station comfortably by calling a taxi 24/7 from the taxi stands in Kırklareli city center to your location. You can find the address and phone number information of Kırklareli Merkez taxi stands on the web.

Transportation from Shumen Bus Terminal to the City Center

There are bus services to the city of Shumen in Bulgaria from many points in Turkey. After the Shumen bus service, the last stop for passengers to get off is the Shumen Bus Terminal, located in the southern industrial area of ​​the city. From Shumen Bus Terminal, you can reach many cities of Bulgaria such as Sofia, Targovishte, Ragzard, Varna by intercity bus.

The city center, which is approximately 1 km from Shumen Bus Terminal, can be easily reached on foot.

To go to the points in the city center of Shumen and the surrounding districts, you can take the martrushka minibuses and buses from the bus stops in the center. You can travel economically in the city by public transportation vehicles that start early in the morning and have regular trips throughout the day.

You can easily reach the point you want to go in the city from Shumen Bus Terminal by taking a taxi. Since the distance between the terminal and Shumen city center is short, transportation by taxi will be economical. We recommend that you negotiate the fare with the taxi driver before getting in the taxi.

To go to Varna Airport, which is the closest airport to Shumen, you can come to the city center from the terminal and take the buses to Varna from there. After reaching Varna, you can take the buses to the airport from the stop, which is 140 meters from the stop where you got off. It is also possible to reach the airport by taking the Varna train from the train station near the bus terminal; but the fastest transportation alternative is the bus. The bus journey takes approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes. You can also consider taxi and car rental options to get from Shumen to Varna Airport.

Kırklareli Shumen (Şumnu) bus ticket questions

  • Which are the most popular bus companies that operate between Kırklareli Shumen (Şumnu)?
    2 bus companies operate between Kırklareli and Shumen (Şumnu). Most frequent bus companies are, İstanbul Seyahat and Nişikli Turizm.
  • How can TURNA.COM find such cheap bus ticket prices?
    In Turna.com, inventory of 200+ bus companies are scanned in seconds online. All options are compared to find the best priced bus tickets. We enable you to find empty bus seats in seconds. The buses are chosen among the buses that comply with hygiene and cleanliness rules.
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