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Shumen (Şumnu) Bus Ticket Information

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Bus Trips Arriving To Shumen (Şumnu)

How much are Shumen (Şumnu) bus tickets, see timetable

İstanbul Seyahat
14 May 2024, Tuesday 22:30
16 May 2024, Thursday 17:30
01 June 2024, Saturday 13:30

Popular Bus Trips Departing From Shumen (Şumnu)

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Lüks Yonca Seyahat
21 June 2024, Friday 20:30
Lüks Yonca Seyahat
21 June 2024, Friday 20:30

Cheapest Shumen (Şumnu) Bus Ticket Prices

Check out our list of cheapest bus companies to Shumen (Şumnu)

16 May 2024, Thursday 17:30
01 June 2024, Saturday 13:30

Information on Bus Travel to Shumen (Şumnu)

Looking for cheap Shumen (Şumnu) bus tickets ? Bursa Shumen (Şumnu) 1,550 TL, Babaeski Shumen (Şumnu) 1,000 TL and İstanbul Shumen (Şumnu) 1,300 TL over the next 3 month.

Shumen (Şumnu) intercity bus stops and boarding points are: Shumen

We recommend that you buy tickets at least 47 days in advance for best priced Shumen (Şumnu) bus tickets.

Located in Deliorman, one of the regions where the Turkish minority population is dense in Bulgaria, Shumen is known for its natural beauties and historical riches. Its name means noisy place, and it is preferred for ecotourism organizations and tours due to the lush green forest around the city and the diversity of wildlife.

Founded 3,200 years ago, the city has hosted many nations and different civilizations. There is not much to do in Shumen, but you can spend a few hours there. Shumen stands out as an ancient city that has hosted many nations.

Shumen Attractions

You can start your tour in Shumen with the Monument to the Founders of the Bulgarian State. These sculptures, made in 1981, are in a location that can be reached by 1,300 steps from the city center. It is also possible to go to the Monument to the Founders of the Bulgarian State on the hill by car. The monument fascinates those who see it. There is also a chance to have a picnic around the complex where the monument is located.

Another prominent historical structure of the city is Shumen Castle. Shumen Castle, located 3 km from the city, was first established by the Thracians. The castle, which was destroyed and added many times throughout history, took its current form. The restored castle can now be visited as an open-air museum. If you are especially interested in history, you should visit this castle.

The most important historical building where you can see the traces of Muslims in the city is Şerif Halil Pasha Mosque. Serif Halil Pasha Mosque, which is known as the Tombul Mosque among the local citizens, was awarded the name Tombul Mosque due to its 25-meter-high dome. It also has a 40-meter-long minaret. You should definitely add Şerif Halil Paşa Mosque to your list of places to visit.

Another work built by Şerif Halil Pasha is the Clock Tower. Clock Tower, which is one of the symbols of the city, fascinates those who see it with its architecture. The stone-carved fountain in front of the Clock Tower is strikingly beautiful. Every 15 minutes since it was built in 1740, the sound of a bell has been ringing in Shumen.

Madara Horseman is half an hour away from the city. The sculpted figure carved on the rock in Madara Village, where you can go by car or train, has a horseman on a horse and a glass in the left hand of the horseman. He is holding a spear with a flag that shoots the lion lying under the horse's feet. There is a dog behind the horse and it follows the horseman. The person in the monument is said to be a Thracian god.

Shumen Plateau Natural Park impresses with its lush nature. You can go to the Shumen Plateau, which is home to many plant and animal species, and enjoy the beautiful weather by taking a walk. You also have the opportunity to have a picnic.

Pliska Archaeological Reserve is an archaeological site located half an hour away from Shumen. The area, where many artifacts that shed light on the period after the excavations, are located, is among the places worth seeing with its different atmosphere.

Osmar Rock Monasteries, located on the steep south and southeast slopes of the Shumen plateau in the Osmar Boaz region, north of Osmar village and southwest of Shumen town, are another must-visit spot.

Osmar Rock Monasteries are known as remarkable religious, cultural and educational monuments from the Second Bulgarian Kingdom. Getting to the monasteries is quite easy. These monuments are among the most visited places by tourists. You should definitely see the partially preserved wall paintings in the monastery.

How to Get to Shumen?

There are bus and train alternatives for transportation to Shumen. Among these transportation options, the most economical transportation method to Shumen is to buy a Shumen bus ticket. There are regular direct bus services to Shumen from Turkey. From the bus station to the city center, you can use the services of the city bus, taxi and bus companies.

Shumen, where Turks mostly live, has the feature of being an ancient city that hosts many nations. There are many places to visit in the city, which is not preferred much in terms of tourism. You can take the first step to discover this beautiful city by searching for Shumen bus tickets on

Shumen (Şumnu) bus ticket questions

  • Which bus companies operates from and to Shumen (Şumnu)?
    Bus companies that run the most frequent trips between Turkey and Shumen (Şumnu) are Metro Turizm, Nişikli Turizm, İstanbul Seyahat, Huntur and Lüks Yonca Seyahat. The most popular route is Bursa - Shumen (Şumnu), Metro Turizm and Nişikli Turizm are the bus companies that organize the most trips on this line.
  • How much is the cheapest Shumen (Şumnu) bus ticket price?
    Between Turkey and Shumen (Şumnu), the lowest priced bus ticket in the next 3 month period is Bursa Shumen (Şumnu) on 1 June 2024 and 1,550 TL.
  • How can find Shumen (Şumnu) bus tickets with such cheap prices? scans the inventory of all bus companies in seconds with its advanced search engine technology and offers you all online bus tickets alternatives within seconds.
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