Bus Tickets from Kastamonu to Hatay On Turna.com

Kastamonu Hatay Bus Ticket Information

Cheapest Price
1,400.00 TL
Cheapest Month
Most Popular Bus Company

Kastamonu Hatay Bus Tickets (One-Way)

See the cheapest prices for Kastamonu Hatay buses

Metro Turizm
Kastamonu - Hatay
24 May 2024, Friday 18:30
Metro Turizm
Kastamonu - Hatay
25 May 2024, Saturday 18:30

Hatay Arrival Bus Tickets

How much are Hatay bus tickets, see schedules

Tursan Turizm
29 May 2024, Wednesday 07:30
Lüks Hatay Birlik Turizm
23 June 2024, Sunday 06:00
Lüks Hatay Birlik Turizm
09 May 2024, Thursday 07:30
11 May 2024, Saturday 01:00
Özlem Cizre Nuh
15 June 2024, Saturday 19:30
Metro Turizm
16 May 2024, Thursday 17:00
Sen Turizm
09 May 2024, Thursday 18:30
Hatay Gökbey Seyahat
07 July 2024, Sunday 19:00

Bus Tickets From Kastamonu

Prices of bus tickets from Kastamonu

Türkay Turizm
10 June 2024, Monday 11:15
Ali Osman Ulusoy
31 May 2024, Friday 12:15
27 May 2024, Monday 06:30
Metro Turizm
19 May 2024, Sunday 00:10
Hatay Gökbey Seyahat
10 May 2024, Friday 16:30

Information on bus trips between Kastamonu Hatay

In the next 3 month period, cheapest one way Kastamonu Hatay bus tickets are: 1,400 TL.

To find Kastamonu Hatay bus tickets below average, you must book at least 22 days before the departure date.

Kastamonu intercity bus departure and exit points are: Cide, Bozkurt (Kastamonu), Azdavay, Araç, Ağlı, Abana, Çatalzeytin, Daday, Devrekani, Doğanyurt, Tosya, Taşköprü, Şenpazar, Seydiler, Pınarbaşı (Kastamonu), Ortalıca (Tosya, Kastamonu), Küre, Kastamonu, İnebolu, İhsangazi, Hanönü, Evrenye (İnebolu, Kastamonu), Serdar (Araç, Kastamonu), Kayadibi (Taşköprü, Kastamonu), Kayaboğazı (Araç, Kastamonu), Kanlıgöl (Cide, Kastamonu), Vakıf Geymene (Hanönü, Kastamonu), Diphan (Araç, Kastamonu), İlişi (Bozkurt, Kastamonu), Akkaya (İhsangazi, Kastamonu), İğdir (Araç, Kastamonu), Isırganlık (Bozkurt, Kastamonu) and Soğuksu.

Hatay The intercity bus arrival-landing terminals are: Samandağ, Reyhanlı, Payas, Kumlu, Kırıkhan, Hatay, Hassa, Erzin, Dörtyol (Hatay), Sarımazı (Belen, Hatay), Belen, Altınözü, Aktepe (Hassa, Hatay), Akbez (Hassa, Hatay), Serinyol (Antakya, Hatay), Yayladağı, Topboğazı (Kırıkhan, Hatay), Erzin İsos Termal (Erzin, Hatay), Erzin İçmeler (Erzin, Hatay), Antakya (Hatay), Karacehennem Boğazı and Hatay Köy Otogarı.

Transportation from the City Center to Kastamonu Bus Station

To get to Kastamonu Bus Terminal from Kastamonu city center; You can use the services of bus companies, private-public buses, minibus, and taxi options. If you want to go to Kastamonu Bus Terminal, one of the districts of Kastamonu; You can easily reach the bus terminal by using public transportation vehicles or taxis that travel to the bus station route.

You can reach Kastamonu Bus Terminal by taking the private-public bus going to the 5th Gendarmerie Regiment Command - Kuzeykent direction from the stops in the city center. Private-public buses provide service every 20 minutes between 06:30-20:50 on weekdays and between 07:00-20:10 on weekends.

You can easily reach Kastamonu Bus Terminal by taking the minibusses from the city center and surrounding districts to the bus terminal.

You can reach Kastamonu Bus Terminal comfortably at any time by using the taxis located in the city center and serving 24 hours a day, every day of the week. You can find the address and phone number information of Kastamonu central taxi stands on the web.

Transportation from Hatay Bus Station to the City Center

There are many transportation alternatives to go to the city center from Hatay Bus Station, which was established far from the center in order to serve more passengers and reduce the traffic density in the city. It is possible to reach Hatay city center in approximately 30-35 minutes by bus companies' free city shuttle services, minibus, private transfer and taxi.

Bus companies operating in Hatay Bus Terminal offer free passenger shuttle services to Antakya district. Ticketed company passengers who have traveled to Hatay Bus Terminal can benefit from the free shuttle service offered by the companies. The shuttles drop passengers at certain stops and central points of Antalya. If you have traveled to Hatay by bus, you should contact the relevant company and find out the service hours and route.

Transportation by minibus is quite common in Hatay. It is easy to reach Hatay city center, Antakya and many of its districts by minibus. You can reach the city center economically by minibuses departing from Hatay Bus Terminal. You can easily go to many districts of Hatay such as Antakya, Iskenderun and Belen by minibus from the bus station. Minibus lines run until late every day of the week.

For those who want to visit Hatay as a tourist attraction, there are companies that offer private transfer services to tourism regions such as Antakya and Iskenderun and to the hotels in the vicinity. It is necessary to make a reservation in advance to use the services. Private transfer service fees vary according to the number of people and distance. You can contact the hotel where you will stay to get information about the private transfer service and to make a reservation.

Taxi is an ideal means of transportation for those who do not prefer public transportation to reach the city center of Hatay. Since the distance between Hatay Bus Station and the city center is long, the taxi journey can be a bit expensive. If you are going to the city center with 3-4 people, you can take a shared taxi. Thus, the taxi fare will be more affordable as the price per person.

Kastamonu Hatay bus ticket questions

  • Which are the most popular bus companies that operate between Kastamonu Hatay?
    3 bus companies operate between Kastamonu and Hatay. Most frequent bus companies are, Has Turizm A.Ş., Hatay Gökbey Seyahat and Metro Turizm.
  • How can TURNA.COM find such cheap bus ticket prices?
    In Turna.com, inventory of 200+ bus companies are scanned in seconds online. All options are compared to find the best priced bus tickets. We enable you to find empty bus seats in seconds. The buses are chosen among the buses that comply with hygiene and cleanliness rules.
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