Bus Tickets from Kaş to Kars On Turna.com

Kaş Kars Bus Ticket Information

Cheapest Month

Kaş Kars Bus Tickets (One-Way)

See the cheapest prices for Kaş Kars buses

12 May 2024, Sunday 02:58
12 May 2024, Sunday 02:58
12 May 2024, Sunday 02:58

Kars Arrival Bus Tickets

How much are Kars bus tickets, see schedules

Kars Kalesi
14 June 2024, Friday 06:30
Aras Seyahat
18 May 2024, Saturday 01:00
Öz Diyarbakır
18 May 2024, Saturday 21:00
Doğu Kars
03 June 2024, Monday 10:30
Bizim Iğdır Seyahat
06 June 2024, Thursday 15:36
Bizim Iğdır Seyahat
26 May 2024, Sunday 11:00
Doğu Kars
23 May 2024, Thursday 15:40
Kars Kalesi
15 June 2024, Saturday 20:30
Aras Seyahat
14 June 2024, Friday 07:30
Doğu Kars
18 May 2024, Saturday 14:40
Doğu Kars
19 May 2024, Sunday 16:30

Bus Tickets From Kaş

Prices of bus tickets from Kaş

Pamukkale Turizm
30 May 2024, Thursday 10:15
Topçam Turizm
24 May 2024, Friday 22:00
Pamukkale Turizm
31 May 2024, Friday 09:30

Information on bus trips between Kaş Kars

Kaş intercity bus departure and exit points are: Kaş, Kalkan (Kaş, Antalya), Ova (Kaş, Antalya), Akbel (Kaş, Antalya), Yeşilköy (Kaş, Antalya), Patara Kavşağı (Kaş, Antalya), Kınık (Kaş, Antalya), Çavdır Kavşağı (Kaş, Antalya) and Akbel Kavşağı (Kaş, Antalya).

Kars The intercity bus arrival-landing terminals are: Susuz, Selim, Sarıkamış, Kars, Karakurt (Sarıkamış, Kars), Digor, Arpaçay, Akyaka and Kağızman.

Transportation from the City Center to Kaş Bus Station

If it's time to return after a nice holiday in the tourism paradise Kaş, "How to get to Kaş Bus Terminal?" Let's take a look at the transportation alternatives together by answering the question. It is possible to easily reach Kaş Bus Terminal, which is located in the center of Kaş district, on foot. You can also use minibus and taxi transportation options to reach the bus station from the central points of Kas.

Some bus companies serving at Kaş Bus Terminal offer free bus station service from the center to Kaş Bus Terminal. Passenger services departing in front of the ticket sales offices of the bus companies located in the town center of Kaş, according to the bus departure times, deliver their ticketed passengers to the bus station free of charge and on time. You can get detailed information about the shuttle times and the shuttle departure point by contacting the bus company from which you purchased the bus ticket.

You can take the minibuses that go to the bus station route to go to Kaş Bus Terminal from the Peninsula, Gökseki, Büyük Çakıl, Çerçiler, Ağullu, Çukurbağ Village, Limanağzı regions of Kaş. You can get to Kaş Bus Station in a short time and inexpensively with minibuses that run at regular intervals every day of the week.

The easiest way to get to Kaş Bus Terminal from where you are is by taxi. You can go to Kaş Bus Terminal in a very short time and comfortably by calling a taxi from the taxi stands located in Kaş district center to the place where you are staying. If you are staying at a hotel or pension in Kaş, you can ask the reception to call a taxi. You can find the address and phone number information of Kaş Center taxi stands on the web.

Transportation from Kars Bus Station to the City Center​

There are many free and paid transportation alternatives to go to the city center, which is approximately 3 kilometers from Kars Bus Terminal. You can reach Kars city center from the bus station in a short time by choosing the most suitable one among the bus companies' free passenger service, private state bus, minibus and taxi options.

Most of the bus companies operating in Kars Bus Terminal offer free shuttle services from the bus station to Kars city center. You can contact the bus company from which you bought your Kars bus ticket to get detailed information about the services that depart from the bus station at regular intervals and transport your passengers to certain points in Kars city center free of charge.

You can easily reach many points in the city center of Kars with the private public buses that start to serve early in the morning and depart from the bus station at frequent intervals throughout the day. In addition to the city center, there are private public bus services to many districts of Kars.

It is possible to reach many points of Kars easily by minibuses. With the minibuses departing from the bus station, you can reach central streets and neighborhoods such as Cumhuriyet Caddesi and İnönü Caddesi in the center of Kars in a short time and in an affordable way. You can easily go to many districts of Kars from the bus station with the minibuses serving from early morning to evening hours every day of the week.

You can also prefer a taxi ride to reach Kars city center 24/7 from the bus station. You can reach Kars city center in a short time and comfortably by taking a taxi from the taxi stand located at the bus station. Since the distance between Kars Bus Station and the city center is short, the taxi fare does not cost much.

To reach Kars Harakani Airport from Kars Bus Station, you first need to go to the city center by shuttle, public bus, minibus or taxi from the bus station. You can take the public transportation vehicles that depart from the city center and go to the airport.

Kaş Kars bus ticket questions

  • How can TURNA.COM find such cheap bus ticket prices?
    In Turna.com, inventory of 200+ bus companies are scanned in seconds online. All options are compared to find the best priced bus tickets. We enable you to find empty bus seats in seconds. The buses are chosen among the buses that comply with hygiene and cleanliness rules.
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