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Zaho Bus Ticket Information

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Bus Trips Arriving To Zaho

How much are Zaho bus tickets, see timetable

Cizre Nuh İtimat
04 June 2024, Tuesday 21:04
Özlem Cizre Nuh
31 May 2024, Friday 00:30
Özlem Cizre Nuh
31 May 2024, Friday 00:00
Özlem İstanbul Turizm
13 June 2024, Thursday 07:00

Popular Bus Trips Departing From Zaho

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Yeni Diyarbakır
30 May 2024, Thursday 20:30

Cheapest Zaho Bus Ticket Prices

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Cizre Nuh İtimat
04 June 2024, Tuesday 21:04
Özlem Cizre Nuh
31 May 2024, Friday 00:00
Özlem İstanbul Turizm
24 May 2024, Friday 07:00

Information on Bus Travel to Zaho

Looking for cheap Zaho bus tickets ? Adana Zaho 1,000 TL, Diyarbakır Zaho 219 TL and Mardin Zaho 300 TL over the next 3 month.

Zaho intercity bus stops and boarding points are: Zaho

We recommend that you buy tickets at least 10 days in advance for best priced Zaho bus tickets.

Located in the north of our neighbor Iraq and within the borders of the Kurdistan Regional Government, Zaho is known as the city closest to the Turkish border in Iraq. Located on the fluent trade route connecting the Habur Border Gate, which is the transit point for most of the trade volume between Iraq and Turkey, and the cities of Mosul, Zaho is a border city with Turkey and Syria.

Although Zakho is a commercial and economic city, it does not have a very developed appearance. While Zaho's traditional culture carries traces on the axis of Islam, the fact that the majority of the population is Kurds, has caused the cultural texture to develop in this direction. Zaho also has a cosmopolitan society and a vibrant culture. Numerous architectural structures bearing the traces of different cultures can be seen all over the city.

Zaho Attractions

It is difficult to say that Zaho, which is not a touristic place, is rich in places to visit. You can start your tour with Delal Bridge, which is one of the landmarks of the city, which has historical and touristic places that will not exceed the fingers of a hand. Climbing the Delal Bridge, you can look at the city from above and enjoy the view from here. Delal Bridge, which is 16 meters high, 5 meters wide and 115 meters long, is also known as Pira Delal. Delal Bridge is among the important touristic spots of the city.

Zaho Castle is one of the most important symbolic structures of the city. The castle, which is one of the structures that visitors of the city visit, has a magnificent view on the banks of the Khabir River. The fort served as the governor's residence during the Badinan Emirate and was enlarged by Prince Ali Khan. This building, which was built on the ruins of an old castle, welcomes its visitors today with only its tower remaining from those years.

Located in the Zakho cemetery, the hexagonal Qubad Pasha Castle with six windows and an entrance door is definitely worth seeing. The Sharanş waterfall impresses with its wonderful nature. You can visit the Sharanş waterfall flowing through the green trees and enjoy the coolness and nature here. Zaho Gate, located at the entrance of the city, also welcomes you. Stunning with its magnificence, the Gate adds a different atmosphere to the city.

Zaho's city center is an important attraction center of the city. The city center with shopping shops and restaurants is quite busy. You can have a pleasant time here and explore the different atmosphere of the city. You can also have the opportunity to taste the regional dishes of Iraq in the restaurants located here.

One of the things that visitors to the city should do is to drink coffee on the sand. You can take a short break at the coffee shops that say that they cook the most delicious coffee with this method, where Turkish coffee is cooked in the sand and in the coffee pot.

How to get to Zaho?

Visas are required for Turkish citizens traveling to Iraq. It is possible to reach Zaho from Turkey by air and land. Among these transportation options, the most economical transportation method to Zaho is to buy a Zaho bus ticket.

There are bus services to Zaho from different cities of Turkey. You can reach Zoho, which you can reach in approximately 20 hours by bus from Istanbul, from Ankara, İzmir, Diyarbakır and Şırnak, with or without a direct connection.

Zaho Intercity Bus Terminal, on the other hand, is a rather small structure. It is possible to reach the city center by minibus or taxi from the bus station, which corresponds to the dimensions of pocket bus stations or district garages in Turkey.

Being one of the most important settlements with its strategic location in Northern Iraq, Zaho is a lively center throughout the year as it is located on the border crossing and trade routes. You can browse Zaho bus ticket options on to discover this beautiful city, one of the unique cities of the Middle East.

Zaho bus ticket questions

  • Which bus companies operates from and to Zaho?
    Bus companies that run the most frequent trips between Turkey and Zaho are Can Diyarbakır Turizm, Özlem Cizre Nuh, Özel Diyarbakır, Özlem İstanbul Turizm and Yeni Diyarbakır. The most popular route is Adana - Zaho, Can Diyarbakır Turizm and Özlem Cizre Nuh are the bus companies that organize the most trips on this line.
  • How much is the cheapest Zaho bus ticket price?
    Between Turkey and Zaho, the lowest priced bus ticket in the next 3 month period is Adana Zaho on 21 May 2024 and 1,000 TL.
  • When is the Zaho bus departure times?
    • Adana Zaho Bus Departure Time: 18:29
    • Diyarbakır Zaho Bus Departure Time: 21:04
    • Mardin Zaho Bus Departure Time: 00:00
    • Batman Zaho Bus Departure Time: 11:00
    • Cizre Zaho Bus Departure Time: 00:30
  • How can find Zaho bus tickets with such cheap prices? scans the inventory of all bus companies in seconds with its advanced search engine technology and offers you all online bus tickets alternatives within seconds.
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