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Razgrad Bus Ticket Information

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Çorlu-Razgrad 1,000.00 TL
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Bus Trips Arriving To Razgrad

How much are Razgrad bus tickets, see timetable

Lüks Yonca Seyahat
13 May 2024, Monday 21:00
18 May 2024, Saturday 13:30

Popular Bus Trips Departing From Razgrad

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Lüks Yonca Seyahat
18 May 2024, Saturday 19:30
Lüks Yonca Seyahat
18 May 2024, Saturday 19:30

Cheapest Razgrad Bus Ticket Prices

Check out our list of cheapest bus companies to Razgrad

Metro Turizm
26 June 2024, Wednesday 19:30
18 May 2024, Saturday 13:30

Information on Bus Travel to Razgrad

Looking for cheap Razgrad bus tickets ? Bursa Razgrad 1,550 TL, Çorlu Razgrad 1,000 TL and İstanbul Razgrad 1,000 TL over the next 3 month.

Razgrad intercity bus stops and boarding points are: Razgrad

We recommend that you buy tickets at least 12 days in advance for best priced Razgrad bus tickets.

Razgrad is located in the northeast of Bulgaria, 80 km south of the Danube River. Razgrad, where the majority of the population is Turks, is known as the second city with the highest number of Turks living in the country.

The city, which is very rich in terms of history, is built on the ruins of the ancient Roman city of Abritus. With approximately 1,200 immovable structures and architectural monuments from different historical periods, Razgrad stands out as a destination that takes its visitors on a journey through time. There are leading pharmaceutical companies in Razgrad, which is the center of Bulgaria's pharmaceutical industry. Hosting many festivals, the city hosts tens of thousands of tourists throughout the year.

Razgrad Attractions

Razgrad, one of the virgin cities of Bulgaria, has many places worth visiting and seeing. You can start your tour with Varoşa Neighborhood, located in the Red Square area. Varoşa Neighborhood, one of the first settlements in the city, stands out with its 19th century Renaissance style traditional, authentic and restored houses. You can have a pleasant time and take lots of photos in Varoşa Neighborhood, which takes people on a journey to the past with its different atmosphere.

The Russian Heroes Mausoleum is located in the center of the city. The tombs of Russian Heroes who died for the freedom of the city of Razgrad can be visited since 1880.

The Clock Tower is among the symbols of the city. Located in the center of the city, the Clock Tower is located next to the new theater building. Surrounded by small gardens and historical buildings, the Clock Tower was built in 1864 by Todor Tondchev. The castle, which has the characteristics of the Tanzimat period, fascinates those who see it. The tower, which is likened to church architecture with its arch-shaped cornices and dome roof, is 26 meters high.

You can also sit in the cafes and colorful places around the clock tower, sip your coffee, and do a lot of shopping in its stores.

The İbrahim Pasha Mosque, built in 1530, is among the largest mosques in the Balkans. The roof of the mosque, which fascinates those who see it, is covered with lead. İbrahim Pasha Mosque is on the UNESCO World Cultural List and impresses with its architecture.

Abritus Archaeological Protection Area is one of the popular spots for history lovers. Spread over an area of ​​one thousand acres, the ancient city is among the places worth seeing. Major archaeological finds discovered during excavations on the territory of the reserve are in the Abritus Museum.

The inscriptions and building inscriptions from the 18th and 19th centuries on display at the Abritus Museum also attract the attention of visitors. You should definitely add Abritus Archaeological Protection Area and Abritus Museum to your list of places to visit and see.

Dimitar Nenov's House Museum bears the memory of the famous Bulgarian composer and pianist Dimitar Nenov. The house, which was converted into a museum in 1992 and opened to visitors, contains publications of the artist, the only preserved record of his original works and photographs of his life.

The piano, where Nenov took his first lesson, attracts attention in the museum. There is also a small concert hall in the museum where different chamber concerts, exhibitions and meetings are held.

How to Get to Razgrad?

There are train and bus alternatives to reach Ragzard. Among these transportation options, the most economical transportation method to Ragzard is to buy a Ragzard bus ticket. There are regular direct bus services to Ragzard from Istanbul.

You can reach the city center from the bus station by using the city bus, the shuttles of the bus companies and taxi. Bulgaria requires a visa from Turkish citizens who plan to travel to the country. Schengen visa holders and green passport holders can visit the country without the need for a visa. Bordeaux passport holders are required to have a Bulgarian or Schengen visa.

Razgrad, located in the northeast of Bulgaria, is among the cities worth visiting. You can browse Razgrad bus ticket options on to discover this beautiful city and have unforgettable experiences.

Razgrad bus ticket questions

  • Which bus companies operates from and to Razgrad?
    Bus companies that run the most frequent trips between Turkey and Razgrad are Metro Turizm, Nişikli Turizm, Huntur, İstanbul Seyahat and Lüks Yonca Seyahat. The most popular route is Bursa - Razgrad, Metro Turizm and Nişikli Turizm are the bus companies that organize the most trips on this line.
  • How much is the cheapest Razgrad bus ticket price?
    Between Turkey and Razgrad, the lowest priced bus ticket in the next 3 month period is Bursa Razgrad on 7 May 2024 and 1,550 TL.
  • How can find Razgrad bus tickets with such cheap prices? scans the inventory of all bus companies in seconds with its advanced search engine technology and offers you all online bus tickets alternatives within seconds.
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