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Dedeağaç Bus Ticket Information

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Bus Trips Arriving To Dedeağaç

How much are Dedeağaç bus tickets, see timetable

Öz İkizler Turizm
18 May 2024, Saturday 02:00
Öz İkizler Turizm
18 May 2024, Saturday 05:00
Öz İkizler Turizm
18 May 2024, Saturday 17:30

Popular Bus Trips Departing From Dedeağaç

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Öz İkizler Turizm
26 May 2024, Sunday 01:45
Öz İkizler Turizm
19 May 2024, Sunday 01:45

Cheapest Dedeağaç Bus Ticket Prices

Check out our list of cheapest bus companies to Dedeağaç

Öz İkizler Turizm
22 May 2024, Wednesday 05:00
Öz İkizler Turizm
15 May 2024, Wednesday 17:30

Information on Bus Travel to Dedeağaç

Looking for cheap Dedeağaç bus tickets ? Keşan Dedeağaç 625 TL, Bursa Dedeağaç 625 TL and İstanbul Avrupa Dedeağaç 750 TL over the next 3 month.

Dedeağaç intercity bus stops and boarding points are: Dedeağaç

We recommend that you buy tickets at least 14 days in advance for best priced Dedeağaç bus tickets.

Famous for its clean sea and long beaches, Alexandroupoli, the beautiful city of Greece, is one of the closest holiday destinations to our country with its location close to Edirne İpsala gate. Alexandroupoli, which is about 4-5 hours away from Istanbul, is crowded with Turkish tourists, especially in the summer months.

With its streets opening to the sea, always lively streets, pleasant restaurants, and entertaining bars, it offers a holiday opportunity that will leave you with a taste. Alexandroupoli also offers various and delicious dishes to its guests. The streets of Alexandroupoli, the city of people who love to have fun, are the scene of quite colorful scenes, especially in the evenings.

Alexandroupoli Attractions

There are many places worth seeing in Alexandroupoli, which has natural and historical beauties. We recommend that you start your tour with Democracy Street. Democracy Street, one of the most active streets of the city, is located in the inner part of the city. There are also a lot of shopping venues on Democracy Street, where cafes and restaurants are located.

You can easily find everything you are looking for in Democracy Street. In addition, the Alexandroupoli Mosque, located here, is among the important historical monuments of the city. Dedeağaç Mosque, which is the only mosque remaining from the Ottoman Empire, is very important for the city and is still actively used.

The Lighthouse, one of the symbols of the city, is one of the oldest works of the city. Sultan II. This lighthouse, which was built during the reign of Abdülhamit, is located on Democracy Street. The Lighthouse, which is very interesting because it is located in the middle of the street, also draws attention with its size. You should definitely add this magnificent building, which reflects the French architecture, to a part of your city tour.

 Makri Village, one of the most famous villages of Alexandroupoli; It is 15 minutes away from the city center. Makri, a fishing village, is famous for its fish and appetizers. Makri Village, which stands out with its beaches as well as delicious food, is flooded by tourists.

You can have a pleasant time in Makri Village, which is one of the favorite destinations of summer holidays. Güvendik Village, which is 10 minutes away from Makri Village, is famous for its olive trees. In Güvendik Village, almost entirely composed of Turks, Turkish cuisine comes to the fore in addition to Greek flavors.

Vistonida Lake, the largest lake in Greece, impresses with its wonderful natural scenery. You can take great photos and enjoy the natural beauties in Vistonida Lake, which is home to a wide variety of bird species and attracts attention with its historical churches. The lake is also very rich in terms of flora and fauna.

Alexandroupoli History Museum hosts more than 400 Christian works of art. In the museum, besides holy books, icons and symbols, it is possible to find everything from wood carvings to old priest clothes. Alexandroupoli History Museum is in a very important place in terms of getting to know the history and culture of the city.

Dadia Forests, which embrace people with their peaceful atmosphere, are like a treasure of nature. The streams and streams passing through the Dadia Forests with magnificent chestnut and pine trees offer a peaceful atmosphere. You can also see many animal species in Dadia Forests.

How to go to Alexandroupoli?

It is possible to reach Alexandroupoli from Turkey by air and land. There are two flights a day from Athens to the airport, which is 6 km away from the city center. Among these transportation options, the most economical way to reach Alexandroupoli is to buy a bus ticket to Alexandroupoli.

Bus services from Istanbul to Alexandroupoli take approximately 5-6 hours. There are many bus companies that go from Istanbul Esenler Bus Station to Alexandroupoli. Since Alexandroupoli is not a very large place in terms of surface area, taxis are generally preferred for urban transportation. You can easily reach the Bus Station from the center of Alexandroupoli by taxi.

You can take the first step to discover this beautiful city, which impresses with its deep blue sea and white beach, by searching for a bus ticket to Alexandroupoli on

Dedeağaç bus ticket questions

  • Which bus companies operates from and to Dedeağaç?
    Bus companies that run the most frequent trips between Turkey and Dedeağaç are Öz İkizler Turizm, Lilian Expres Turizm and Metro Turizm. The most popular route is Keşan - Dedeağaç, Öz İkizler Turizm and Lilian Expres Turizm are the bus companies that organize the most trips on this line.
  • How much is the cheapest Dedeağaç bus ticket price?
    Between Turkey and Dedeağaç, the lowest priced bus ticket in the next 3 month period is Keşan Dedeağaç on 11 May 2024 and 625 TL.
  • How can find Dedeağaç bus tickets with such cheap prices? scans the inventory of all bus companies in seconds with its advanced search engine technology and offers you all online bus tickets alternatives within seconds.
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