Flights from Moscow to Bishkek

Moscow Bishkek Other Travel Options

Flight Info Notes on Moscow to Bishkek

From Airports
Vnukovo Airport
Domodedovo Airport
Sheremetyevo Airport
Zhukovsky International Airport
Destination Airport
Cheapest Price
5,712.36 TL
Most Popular Airline

Cheapest Moscow To Bishkek Flights (Round Trip)

Best available flights for Moscow to Bishkek

Ural Airlines
Moscow - Bishkek
12 June 2024, Wednesday 08:25
18 June 2024, Tuesday 08:40
Ural Airlines
Moscow - Bishkek
10 June 2024, Monday 17:45
18 June 2024, Tuesday 08:40
Ural Airlines
Moscow - Bishkek
11 June 2024, Tuesday 10:00
18 June 2024, Tuesday 08:40
Ural Airlines
Moscow - Bishkek
12 June 2024, Wednesday 08:25
20 June 2024, Thursday 08:40
Ural Airlines
Moscow - Bishkek
12 June 2024, Wednesday 08:25
19 June 2024, Wednesday 08:40
Ural Airlines
Moscow - Bishkek
10 June 2024, Monday 17:45
20 June 2024, Thursday 08:40
Ural Airlines
Moscow - Bishkek
11 June 2024, Tuesday 10:00
20 June 2024, Thursday 08:40
Ural Airlines
Moscow - Bishkek
13 June 2024, Thursday 08:25
20 June 2024, Thursday 08:40

Cheapest Moscow To Bishkek Flights (One-Way)

Check the cheapest prices for Moscow to Bishkek

Ural Airlines
Moscow - Bishkek
1 stop - 8h 55m
05 September 2024, Thursday 22:00
Ural Airlines
Moscow - Bishkek
1 stop - 22h 30m
18 July 2024, Thursday 08:25
Ural Airlines
Moscow - Bishkek
1 stop - 10h 20m
20 July 2024, Saturday 20:35
Ural Airlines
Moscow - Bishkek
1 stop - 22h 30m
01 August 2024, Thursday 08:25

Flights From Moscow To Other Destinations

Instead of Bishkek, you may fly to the cities below

Pegasus Airlines
1 stop - 23h
20 August 2024, Tuesday 04:50
Azerbaijan Airlines
direct-flight - 3h 20m
16 June 2024, Sunday 12:30
1 stop - 27h 20m
10 July 2024, Wednesday 00:50
Uzbekistan Airways
1 stop - 12h 55m
20 August 2024, Tuesday 20:50
Ural Airlines
direct-flight - 3h 15m
28 August 2024, Wednesday 06:20
1 stop - 34h 5m
06 June 2024, Thursday 01:50
S7 Airlines
direct-flight - 1h 40m
30 June 2024, Sunday 17:30
Pegasus Airlines
1 stop - 11h 15m
04 June 2024, Tuesday 15:05
S7 Airlines
direct-flight - 3h 20m
13 July 2024, Saturday 12:45
Uzbekistan Airways
1 stop - 13h 55m
18 June 2024, Tuesday 23:00
Ural Airlines
direct-flight - 2h 20m
05 June 2024, Wednesday 08:25
Uzbekistan Airways
direct-flight - 3h 45m
06 July 2024, Saturday 19:05
Azerbaijan Airlines
1 stop - 7h
01 August 2024, Thursday 00:40
Mahan Airlines
direct-flight - 3h 10m
18 June 2024, Tuesday 11:10
Scat Airlines
1 stop - 8h
01 August 2024, Thursday 09:05

Flights To Bishkek From Other Cities

Instead of Moscow, you may think of flying from below cities

Pegasus Airlines
1 stop - 12h 25m
02 July 2024, Tuesday 15:35
Ural Airlines
1 stop - 11h 35m
29 June 2024, Saturday 19:20
1 stop - 22h 50m
06 June 2024, Thursday 02:50
1 stop - 25h 5m
04 July 2024, Thursday 00:35
Pegasus Airlines
1 stop - 12h 5m
15 August 2024, Thursday 12:05
Pegasus Airlines
2 stop - 29h 20m
05 June 2024, Wednesday 18:50

Moscow Bishkek Flight Information

On this route served by Ural Airlines airlines, you can find the cheapest ticket at 5,712 TL. For flights between Moscow Bishkek, you can buy flight tickets with Ural Airlines airlines at more affordable prices.

How many days in advance can I find a better price if I buy my Moscow Bishkek flight ticket? According to data, this period is 95 days for Moscow Bishkek flights.

We have reviewed our data for the next 3 months for you. Find Moscow Bishkek flights at the best prices. Moscow Bishkek flight tickets are the best price we found for one way : 5,712 TL. If you are interested in round trip prices on this track, 10,480 TL, the best price we could find, may interest you.

What are the cheapest months when we can buy Moscow Bishkek flight tickets? Our investigations on this track show that September, August and October months of the year are cheap, and October, June and July months of the year are expensive.


Transportation from the City Center to Domodedovo Airport

Train, bus, taxi, car rental and private transfer options can be used to reach Domodedovo Airport from Moscow city center.

Express and Ryazan buses serve on the route of the city center airport. Express buses have more frequent services. The fastest and most economical means of transportation from the city center to the airport is the train. You can reach the train station in the airport terminal by train. It takes 40-50 minutes to get on high-speed trains, and 60-75 minutes by standard trains to reach the airport from the city center districts.

It is possible to use taxis from the taxi stands located in different parts of the city center. It is recommended to ask the price before using the taxi in the taxi journey, which takes 20-40 minutes depending on the traffic density and the point where the vehicle is boarded.

It is also possible to reach the city center and the airport by using the rent a car offices in the city and the transfer vehicle service. The city center and the airport are 22 km away.

Transportation from the City Center to Sheremetyevo Airport

Sheremetyevo Airport, which is 29 km from Moscow city center, can be reached from the city center by bus, train, taxi and car rental services.

Municipal buses, which serve on three different routes, reach the entrance of the airport terminal. Buses with line numbers 817 and 948 depart from Planernaya district, buses with line numbers 949 and 851 from Rechnoy Vokzal district, and bus with line number H1 from Leninskiy Prospect route to the airport.

You can get service on the desired route from taxi stands located in different parts of Moscow city center. Before getting in the taxi, it is useful to get confirmation about the destination and the fare.

There is a connection between the Aeroexpress trains and the city center airport. The journey takes about 30 minutes by trains running between Belorussky Train Station and Sheremetyevo Airport. Train tickets can also be purchased online.

Transportation from the City Center to Vnukovo Airport

It is possible to use train, bus, minibus, car rental service and taxi options to reach Vnukovo Airport from the city center.

Getting to the airport, which is 28 km away from Moscow city center, by taxi from different points of the city is one of the shortest and fastest methods. Before getting into the taxi, it is necessary to tell the route to go and get price information.

You can also use the municipal buses for the city center airport connection. Buses come up to the airport terminal entrance. It takes between 30-45 minutes to reach the airport from Moscow city center depending on the traffic density and the route. Minibuses that support buses are among the alternatives. It is possible to get to the terminal from the city center in 20-30 minutes by minibuses, which offer a faster alternative than the bus.

There are direct train services to the airport from Kievskiy Train Station in Moscow city center. The 45-minute journey is both economical and comfortable. Aeroexpress is written on the trains.

Transportation from Bishkek Manas Airport to the City Center

Located in Bishkek, the capital city of Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek Manas Airport connects the country with domestic lines and different cities of the world. Manas, which is the largest airport in Kyrgyzstan, is also of great importance for the region it is located.

Minibus, taxi, car rental and private car options can be used to reach the city center from Bishkek Manas Airport. The distance between the airport and the city center is 27 km.

The fastest transportation method between the airport and the city center is taxi and car rental option. With both options, you can reach the city center in as little as 25 minutes. It is possible to look at the taxis from in front of the arrivals gate of the airport, and the car rental option from inside the airport terminal. It is recommended to talk to the driver to open the taximeter.

Minibuses at the airport exit are the cheapest public transportation method. Minibus lines reaching different points of the city also connect with trolleybuses and buses.

Bishkek Manas Airport Contact Information
Address: Manas Airport Rd, Kyrgyzstan
Tel: +996 (312) 69 30 22

FAQs about Flights from Moscow to Bishkek

  • How is it possible to buy plane tickets at cheap prices at TURNA?
    Turna has direct agreements with airlines. It is possible to buy plane tickets easily from, where more than 4 million people have bought their plane tickets to date. With smart flight, we can offer discounts of up to 70% abroad. You can always find special offers on Turna.
  • Which airports am I going to use while flying from Moscow to Bishkek ?
    When flying from Moscow, you will be using one of the following airports: Zhukovsky International Airport, Domodedovo Airport, Sheremetyevo Airport, Vnukovo Airport. You will be arriving to these airport(s): Bishkek Airport.
  • Which airline companies fly from Moscow to Bishkek?
    6 of the airline companies are flying on this route. Ural Airlines, Pegasus Airlines, Flydubai, Emirates and Turkish Airlines are the airline companies that make the most flights on this route.
  • How many flights weekly or daily are there between Moscow and Bishkek ?
    There are weekly 91, daily 13 flights.
  • On which day can I find the best prices if I travel between Moscow - Bishkek cities?
    If your flight date is flexible, you may prefer Fridays when demand is lower. It is a good idea to avoid flights on Tuesday days when demand is high, Tuesdays as there are usually higher prices.

From Moscow to Bishkek Flights Prices

Here is the price list of Moscow to Bishkek flight tickets. Find cheapest flights on Turna!
Airlines Number of Daily Flights Flight Ticket Prices
Ural Airlines 8 6,871.00
Pegasus Airlines 1 13,804.00
Flydubai 4 17,134.38
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