Flights from Erzurum to Hatay

Erzurum Hatay Other Travel Options

Flight Info Notes on Erzurum to Hatay

From Airport
Destination Airport
Cheapest Price
2,349.82 TL
Most Popular Airline

Cheapest Erzurum To Hatay Flights (Round Trip)

Best available flights for Erzurum to Hatay

Erzurum - Hatay
10 June 2024, Monday 22:35
20 June 2024, Thursday 19:15
Erzurum - Hatay
11 June 2024, Tuesday 09:50
20 June 2024, Thursday 19:15
Erzurum - Hatay
11 June 2024, Tuesday 09:50
21 June 2024, Friday 18:35
Erzurum - Hatay
12 June 2024, Wednesday 09:50
20 June 2024, Thursday 19:15
Erzurum - Hatay
13 June 2024, Thursday 09:50
20 June 2024, Thursday 19:15
Erzurum - Hatay
12 June 2024, Wednesday 09:50
21 June 2024, Friday 18:35
Erzurum - Hatay
13 June 2024, Thursday 09:50
21 June 2024, Friday 18:35
Erzurum - Hatay
21 June 2024, Friday 22:35
30 June 2024, Sunday 05:45

Cheapest Erzurum To Hatay Flights (One-Way)

Check the cheapest prices for Erzurum to Hatay

Erzurum - Hatay
1 stop - 2h 45m
10 June 2024, Monday 22:35
Erzurum - Hatay
1 stop - 2h 45m
11 June 2024, Tuesday 09:50
Erzurum - Hatay
1 stop - 2h 45m
16 June 2024, Sunday 22:35
Erzurum - Hatay
1 stop - 2h 45m
09 June 2024, Sunday 22:35

Flights From Erzurum To Other Destinations

Instead of Hatay, you may fly to the cities below

1 stop - 2h 35m
03 June 2024, Monday 22:35
1 stop - 3h 25m
04 June 2024, Tuesday 21:15
1 stop - 2h 40m
18 June 2024, Tuesday 22:35
1 stop - 2h 45m
03 June 2024, Monday 22:35
1 stop - 2h 40m
09 June 2024, Sunday 22:35
1 stop - 3h 25m
03 June 2024, Monday 21:15
1 stop - 2h 50m
10 June 2024, Monday 09:50
1 stop - 2h 40m
03 June 2024, Monday 22:35

Flights To Hatay From Other Cities

Instead of Erzurum, you may think of flying from below cities

1 stop - 2h 45m
04 July 2024, Thursday 16:05
1 stop - 2h 45m
04 June 2024, Tuesday 09:35
1 stop - 2h 35m
05 June 2024, Wednesday 05:40
1 stop - 3h 5m
05 June 2024, Wednesday 14:10
1 stop - 2h 25m
07 June 2024, Friday 18:35
1 stop - 2h 40m
04 June 2024, Tuesday 09:00
1 stop - 3h
17 June 2024, Monday 16:50
1 stop - 4h 10m
14 June 2024, Friday 05:35

Erzurum Hatay Flight Information

You can find one-way flight tickets on this line with prices starting from 2,350 TL. If you do a search on this line, you will see a flight price chart. You can find out on which day you can catch this price by using the price calendar. Erzurum Hatay The best price for round-trip flight ticket 4,900 TL.

Erzurum Hatay The cheapest ticket offered by Ajet, one of the airlines offering air transportation service, is 2,350 TL. These prices are for one of the flights in the next 30 days.

How many days in advance can I get cheap Erzurum Hatay flight tickets? According to our data, the cheapest fares on this route are usually found for bookings made 8 days in advance.

In which months of the year can I find Erzurum Hatay flight tickets cheaper? Our data shows that the cheapest airfares on this route are in June, July and September months. Since the expensive months are June, July and September of the year, it is possible to say that buying tickets in these months will not be cheap.

By purchasing Erzurum Hatay bus ticket you can travel cheaper by bus between Erzurum Hatay.


Transportation from Erzurum City Center to Erzurum Airport

Erzurum Airport, located in the northeast of Erzurum city center, is between Erzurum and Aziziye district borders. In terms of surface area; After Antalya, Istanbul and Izmir, it is Turkey's 4th largest airport. There are flights to major cities of Turkey from Erzurum Airport, which is open 24 hours a day. With Palandoken Mountain, it is one of the routes used by ski lovers, especially in winter.

Erzurum Metropolitan Municipality, Public Transportation Directorate organizes bus services from the city center to the airport, starting from the Station Square, according to the flight times. The journey takes about 20 minutes for an affordable fee. Buses depart 1 hour and 20 minutes before the flight time. The route is as follows: Station Square, Gez District, Hospitals Street, Vocational High School for Girls, Municipality, EBŞ Municipality Sports Facilities, Erzurum Technical University, Auto Terminal, Airport.

Erzurum Airport Contact Information
Address: Erzurum State Airport, Merkez, 25060 Erzurum
Tel: 0442 327 28 35 (6 Lines)

Transportation from Hatay Airport to City Center

Hatay Airport is located on the southernmost part of Turkey in the city center of Hatay. This airport connecting Hatay to all around Turkey and different world cities is open to international air traffic since 2007. Located 45 km away from İskenderun, 25 km away from Antioch, 25 km away from Kırıkhan and 41 km away from Reyhanlı, it has an increasing passenger traffic. There're plenty of options to transport from city center to Hatay Airport and vice versa.

Yu can use HAVAŞ shuttles, taxis and car rental options to get to the city center from Hatay Airport. You can travel to Antioch and İskenderun by taking the HAVAŞ shuttles which depart according to the arrival hours of the flights. Shuttles depart 25 minutes after the arrival of the flights.

Shuttles going to Antioch follow İskenderun-Antakya Highway, Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Rektörlüğü, Vali Ürgen Meydanı, Atatürk Caddesi, Gündüz Caddesi and reach to the city center.

Shuttles going to İskenderun follow E-91 Highway, Deniz Alayı, Prime Mall Karşısı (Migros), İsmet İnönü Caddesi (Fener Caddesi), Atatürk Bulvarı, Sahil Yolu'nu geçerek and reach to Pac Meydanı Shell Gas Station.

You can also get a cab from the exit of the arrivals terminal but to ask the price first and to bargain is suggested. You can also get to the city center by renting a car from the car rental offices in the airport or by making an online reservation.

Hatay Airport Contact Information

Address: Hatay Havalimanı, Hatay, Türkiye

Telephone: +90 (326) 235 13 00

Fax: +90 (326) 235 13 09

FAQs about Flights from Erzurum to Hatay

  • How many flights weekly or daily are there between Erzurum and Hatay ?
    There are weekly 28, daily 4 flights.
  • Which airports am I going to use while flying from Erzurum to Hatay ?
    When flying from Erzurum, you will be using one of the following airports: Erzurum Airport. You will be arriving to these airport(s): Hatay Airport.
  • Which airlines has flights between Erzurum and Hatay?
    3 airline companies offer flights to this line. Among these airline companies, the most popular ones are Ajet, Turkish Airlines and Pegasus Airlines companies, respectively.
  • Which day of the week is it cheaper to buy Erzurum - Hatay flights?
    According to Turna data, the highest prices occur on Sundays. It's a good idea to take a look at the flight prices for Mondays when you can find the cheapest flight ticket.
  • Why should I choose to find cheap flight tickets?
    We use our advanced search technology, developed entirely by ourselves, in order to offer flight tickets at the best prices. You can compare all airlines and find the cheapest prices. You can easily cancel your tickets with the online ticket change service.

From Erzurum to Hatay Flights Prices

Here is the price list of Erzurum to Hatay flight tickets. Find cheapest flights on Turna!
Airlines Number of Daily Flights Flight Ticket Prices
Ajet 4 2,649.76
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